50 Year Anniversary of AmeriCorps*VISTA

A big thank you to Amanda Schuler, BCC’s MACC AmeriCorps*VISTA, for her year and a half of community service to Berkshire Community College and the greater Pittsfield community. Amanda leverages college and community resources to increase educational opportunities, academic achievement and awareness of higher education in Pittsfield.

AmeriCorps VISTA

Continuing to Fight the War on Poverty

Fifty years ago today, President Lyndon B. Johnson declared war on what would turn out to be one of our nation’s most formidable opponents—poverty

“The richest nation on earth can afford to win it,” Johnson told Congress as he proposed a series of initiatives to assist in the cause. VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America) was among these ground-breaking programs.

A half-century later, our mission remains unchanged. Thousands of AmeriCorps VISTA members are working with communities every day to create economic opportunities that help individuals overcome poverty.

To see how it all began, please watch the video below:

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