Student Reflections

“The overall experience of my service learning project was so rewarding that I plan on staying on as a tutor until Christmas break, and will be listed as a substitute teacher for next semester. I am very happy I chose this route, rather than the alternative, and have felt a great personal success in this endeavor.” – BCC Student


“It is exciting to be tutoring the kids. There are a lot of students in the classroom for one teacher and help is really needed. One on one tutoring is necessary, because a lot of children need an extra push for them to get work done. At the same time it is motivating me to try helping them more to develop their math skills and I realize I have to have confidence to teach them.” – BCC Student


“The point or goal in these sessions is to hopefully allow some new life skills to replace some bad patterns of behavior by providing insigt into the situations in life that can get one screwed up and headed down the wrong path. It was a good night and again, for me, a learning experience that I hope planted some seeds in the hearts and minds of these young teens.” – BCC Student

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