managing your time better can help with your stress

David Lennon

As humans we are always doing something, it could be chores around the house, helping your kids, work, or school or just about anything.  However, when we start to get stressed when do we get a break?  The sad but true answer to that is you shouldn’t even need one ( with the exception of certain things).  In most cases, we don’t put the stress of not having enough time on ourselves which we should.  In fact most of the time stress could have been avoided if we just had better time managing skills.  So what can you do?  Well, the first thing I would do is sit down on a Sunday night with a pencil and pen and plan out your week.  Doing this is a key part as it makes you aware of all the tasks that need to be done in the amount of time given.  Secondly, prioritize what you actually need to do vs what you want to do for example you may really wanna catch up on the Batchelor but if you have real and actual work to do maybe it wouldn’t be the best choice as its gonna cut into your working time.  Finally, make time for yourself and your family.  Even if it’s just for a half-hour, the time spent with them will make you feel more at ease.

Further Information:

Campbell, C. A. (2014, May 1). Taking Care of You and Your Family. Retrieved from Management: 10 Strategies for Better Time Management

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