The CTL hosted the Fourth Title III Summer Institute on Aug 23-24 on campus. Twenty-one BCC faculty and staff and one guest from STCC attended the session. Our workshop leader was Dr. Steve Fadden of Landmark Institute. Steve is a wonderful teacher and trainer, as well as a faculty member experienced with a broad range of student learning challenges. He generously shared with us a number of resources concerning the principles of Universal Design for Instruction and the main points of online accessibility. He presented several interactive exercises where faculty were able to develop a real sense of how a college class for student with multiple learning challenges is like “running a marathon in a vat of molasses.”
Steve spent a significant amount of time laying out the case and the methodology for multiple modes of assessment, use of “false deadlines,” and low-stakes exercises. A lively debate threaded through Day 2 concerning the focus on written work as a necessary measure of college-level work versus the need for alternative assessment to fairly assess those with learning or other disabilities who are fully capable of graduating from college.
Below is a list of resources with links to websites and documents.
Some participant comments on the session were:
- [The workshop] demonstrated the challenges students face as learners and [we] experienced them first-hand
- Lots of info – both things that can be implemented right away as well as things to give future consideration to
- I am prepared to alter some of my procedures and strategies as a result of this workshop
- Very nice having this program in the summer before Fall semester. This program enhanced my knowledge and understanding of universal design and disabilities.
- I feel I can serve a larger audience due to the content and approaches offered in this workshop
- [I am} ready to apply UDI to practice in my teaching
- Excellent, knowledgeable, engaging presenter (x6)!!
The CTL is planning at least one follow-up workshop this fall with a focus on the Inspiration concept mapping software. Other sessions are sure to follow. Please click “Comment” on this post to let us know what would be helpful.
Steve Fadden’s presentation slides: Faddenslides
Steve Fadden’s handouts and rubrics: faddenhandouts
Accessibility in Windows 7:
Accessibility in Microsoft Office 2010:
Inspiration concept mapping software:
The Gray Center (Autism/Asperger’s):
Steve Fadden’s Delicious links:
Sample syllabus showing use of MS Word “Styles” for accessible headings in pdf Faddensamplesyllabus