Teaching Resources

Resources for instructors to use in live classroom or online

TurnItIn has released a new whitepaper about sources for student work. For the study, they have drawn from their extensive database of student papers (112 million content matches from 28 […]

This post begins a series exploring how WordPress (hosted by Edublogs for BCC) can serve as a student eportfolio. This post describes three justifications for considering a blog platform for […]

Dissect the Human Body Use Skeleton 3D Anatomy or SkeletalHD to examine the a person’s skeleton. Then, students can use body specifics app, such as 3D brain, 3D4Medical’s Images, Pocket […]

Inside Higher Ed has published a good review of “where we are now,” and makes a relevant linkage to the hype cycle‘s Peak of Inflated Expectations concerning MOOCs: http://www.insidehighered.com/news/2013/07/09/higher-ed-leaders-urge-slow-down-mooc-train

This video is from a K-12 Math class, but in 3 minutes, makes the point. One can easily see how flipping and a hybrid course would dovetail well. Spend 3 […]