online learning

A group of six faculty and staff gathered in the CTL last Friday to consider the 2012 Horizon report (full report is at: The first point noted was that […]

We’ll be discussing this today in the CTL at noontime. Look for notes from the session next week!

Students love tech infographics

No big surprises here, but it’s a fun use of infographics with digital post-its and “handwriting” (remember that?). Click the image for a larger view. Via:

This Pearson survey (Pearson the publisher), “Pearson Foundation Survey on Students and Tablets,” provides some interesting data on students who own tablets already, and also what students are thinking about […]

How Many Really? BBC Dimensions

This is an amazing set of sites that lets the user explore quantitative reasoning, history, geometry, populations, environment… and a host of other disciplines through interactive comparative graphics and information. […]

This study, which is not new but was recently cited in the Department of Education meta-study of 2010, finds that students can benefit greatly from interactive video in online courses, […]