Strumming the stress away

Last week I posted a blog with a link about how music and listening to music can help reduce stress. I would like you to take your thoughts on music and it’s capabilities to reduce stress a little further. What if instead of listening to music to reduce your stress, you played music to reduce your stress? Everything that occurs within our bodies is a form of energy, good or bad. Wouldn’t it be more beneficial to channel that stressful energy into something more positive in turn creating positive energy?  Playing and creating music, not matter how you do it can be very positive, very powerful. The excitement and the great feelings of accomplishment that you’ve learned to play your favorite song or have written your own can be beyond satisfying. It doesn’t matter what instrument you play. If you’re working on learning an already written song or are trying to create something new. What matters is that you take that negative energy and channel it in to something positive. If you don’t believe me that playing an instrument can be a stress reducer, her are 5 ways playing a musical instrument can benefit your health.

5 Ways Playing A Musical Instrument Can Benefit Your Health

Daniel N. Love

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