Musc For Stress Managment

Daniel N. Love
Stress and Health

There are many ways for people to deal with stress. So many avenues and methods for a person to choose. I’m not one to say which is the best. What method is the healthiest for any given person. I’m just here to share with you one of the great methods that I personally like to use and receive great benefit from. With all the methods I have to choose from, sometimes I choose music. Why music? Music is a great method because there are so many different genres. Just like there are so many different emotions to stress there are many different emotions to music. Happy, sad, angry, depressed, etc. All you need to do is find a musical style whose artistry matches or expresses your stress best. Find the best song, lay or sit back and let the music do the talking.

Here is a great article On PsychCentral by Jane Collingwood that explains the power of music and how it can reduce stress.

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