
Throughout life you will face a number of challenges and hardships that will put huge stress on your life. Such as breakups, someone you know passing, losing a job, health problems and other things. The ability to bounce back despite all the tragedy that you have gone though is the ability to be resilient. To be resilient is a form of actions and thoughts and being mindful. This is a combination of our emotional behaviors as well as our physical ones. “At the heart of resilience is a belief in oneself—yet also a belief in something larger than oneself” (Waters 3/1/18 ).


Everyone has their own way of overcoming stress in their life. Here are a few ways that you can practice resiliency in your own life. To help control your stress:

1. There are many ways to find resiliency in life and it starts with “having caring and supportive relationships” (The Road To Resilience) around you to help you through. “Make connections” with either friends, family or other people you may know. They can help guide you, listen to you and give you advice.

2. Acceptance is another huge part, being able to accept that life is ever changing and that some things are truly out of your own control. By having this mindset you are able to conquer what is thrown at you that you can change and letting go of what you can’t. It can relieve a lot of stress and frustration of trying to change a situation. You understand that “stress and pain is a part of life” but by ‘coming to terms’ with it you are able to overcome it and move on.

3. You can’t manage the stress of life without first taking care of yourself both mentally and physically. With looking for things that can spark happiness of inner peace is a way to combat stress of daily life. Knowing yourself is the first step to self care, what makes you happy, what doesn’t and what works best for you for certain situations.

4. While being mindful is very helpful to combat stress in your life and overcome daily life stressors, meditations and writing about your thoughts and feelings helps as well. By writing down your deepest thoughts and feelings you are able to become more mindful and have a way of expressing what stresses you out (Road to Resilience).

Inhale Exhale


C’est la vieits life

La vie est bellelife is good/beautiful

I use these to remind myself that I am forever grateful for the challenges that have come my way and that I need to learn from it and grow stronger, all is good as good can be.

In conclusion, there are many ways in life that people can practice resiliency and by following a few of these steps and applying into your own life you can practice habits in your daily life to help overcome hardships and be able to bounce back. From personal experiences being able to overcome challenges no matter how small or large and being able to accept it and move on is one way to take care of yourself.



Barker, E. (2016, April 26). 10 Ways to Boost Your Emotional Resilience, Backed by Research. Retrieved from

Davis-Laack, P. (2017, April 12). How Resilience To Stress Can Help You Live Longer And Healthier. Retrieved from

Psychological Association, A. (n.d.). Road To Resilience. Retrieved April 24, 2018, from

Rahat, E., & Ilhan, T. (2016). Coping Styles, Social Support, Relational SelfConstrual, and Resilience in Predicting Students’ Adjustment to University Life. Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice, 16(1), 187-208. doi:10.12738/estp.2016.1.0058

Waters, Brad 10 Traits of Emotionally Resilient People. (n.d.). Retrieved from


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