Teaching & Learning

Even ultra-liberal Cambridge has vestiges of racism. Even internationally respected scholars can be treated as criminals. Profiling is something a white person will likely never experience. An Offering from Peggy McIntosh’s […]

From Inside Higher Ed: The Obama Plan July 15, 2009 President Obama, as he promised he would, placed community colleges Tuesday in the center of his plans to revitalize the […]

Behavioral Sci and Health instructors might be interested in using some of these videos in courses: http://abcnews.go.com/Health/MindMoodResourceCenter/

“Getting the Mix Right Again: An updated and theoretical rationale for interaction” by Terry Anderson in The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, Vol 4, No 2 (2003): […]

“One of the first tasks teachers face when designing a course is deciding what they want students to learn or get out of their course. Students will always learn something, […]

I just learned this model from my colleague Don Tracia at Bunker Hill – worthy of consideration! http://www.e-learningguru.com/articles/art3_3.htm