Student technology use – 2009 ECAR Study

The Educause ECAR 2009 Study of Undergraduate technology use, which  includes 12 two-year colleges and 27 4-year colleges, found the following (unfortunately, the 2500 students’ data from the two-year colleges is not available separately in the report):

  • Use of laptops is continuing to increase, while desktop use decreases: 88% of students now own laptops
  • Use of texting is continuing to increase, while instant messaging use decreases: 85% text weekly or more
  • Over 90% of 24 and under use social networking sites; 47% of those over 40 use them also
  • Almost 90% are using or have used a course management system
  • 33% own an Internet-capable handheld device (e.g., iPhone, Blackberry); another 30% plan to buy or plan to activate

See the Key Findings report here:


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