Writing Workshop Feb 10th

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Friday, February 10, 2012

9:00 – 11:30 am

How do we nurture student writers?

A Writing Across the Curriculum Workshop

Barbara Walvoord will lead a morning workshop for faculty that will focus on understanding how students’ writing develops and how faculty articulate their expectations for writing assignments beyond the completion of ENG Comp requirement.  We will also identify pedagogical strategies to support students’ development as writers without generating unmanageable faculty paper load or asking faculty to be grammarians.  This workshop is open to all faculty, although it will focus primarily on writing in the associate of science and certificate programs as we consider how these programs support students’ development of the General Education Ability, Communicate in various modes and media.  This topic is relevant for all faculty who require students to write.  Faculty should plan to bring 3 samples of their students’ writing( from one assignment) and the assignment guidelines so that they can look at their own students’ work.  Choose one sample that is an excellent, one that is middle of the road, and one that is not so good—not terrible, but one in which a student worked hard but did not meet the assignment guidelines. Be sure to remove any identifying information about the students.

This workshop supports a commitment to enhancing student success  by reflecting  on and examining  the learning experiences for students as they progress through degree and certificate programs.   The GCC Vision Project and CTE (Careers in Technical Education)goals for this year provide support for  this important work in building a culture of inquiry by assessing student learning outcomes at the program level and the alignment with General Education Abilities.