LAR-101 Researching and Sharing BCC Resources Assignment

LAR-101 Researching and Sharing BCC Resources Assignment, Fall 2022

Students were given a list of campus resources and asked to choose two that they were interested in to research. They then shared what they learned with their classmates in an informal presentation during our in-person class time. This assignment was given during the first few weeks of the Introduction to Liberal Arts course, when most students are new to campus and the group is still getting to know one another.

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Liberal Arts Program Pre- and Post- Survey

Liberal Arts Program Pre and Post Survey

This survey is administered to students at four points during their time in the Liberal Arts Program at BCC: at the start and end of LAR-101: Introduction to Liberal Arts, and at the start and end of LAR-285: Liberal Arts Capstone.

Questions are organized into categories based on the expected outcomes of the Liberal Arts Program and include communication and digital literacy, problem solving, academic success skills, scientific and quantitative literacy, and cultural awareness. Two open-ended questions ask about students’ learning in their current course.

Download: LA pre- post- survey FINAL

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

LAR-285 Digital Skills Assessment and Reflection

LAR-285 Digital Skills Assessment and Reflection, Fall 2022

This assignment is designed to measure students’ digital literacy near the end of their time in the program, and to give them time to reflect on their strengths and find opportunities for developing digital skills. The assignment is given about halfway through the capstone course, shortly after students are introduced to the ePortfolio assignment.

Using the free European Union’s Digital Skills Assessment tool, students answer a series of questions about information and data literacy, communication and collaboration, digital content creation, safety, and problem solving.

As a part of developing their ePortfolio, students will use the information gained through this assessment as they consider the various aspects of presenting themselves to potential employers and academic institutions, including highlighting their strengths and building confidence in their ability to navigate a variety of digital contexts.

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LAR-285 ePortfolio Guidelines

LAR-285 ePortfolio Assignment, Fall 2022

The ePortfolio assignment is one of the major components of the capstone course. Students are asked to reflect on their time in the liberal arts program and create a digital portfolio showcasing their best work and highlighting the skills they’ve gained as liberal arts students.

The ePortfolio is designed not necessarily to be presented to other academic institutions or potential employers, but to serve as a reflective tool for students as they prepare to take the next steps towards their education or career goals. It also build digital skills as they consider the content, context, and aesthetics of their digital presentation of self.

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LAR-285 Capstone Project Assignment

LAR-285 Capstone Project Assignment, Fall 2022

The project in the Liberal Arts Capstone course is a primary assignment during students’ final semester at BCC. The project is directly linked to nearly all of the learning outcomes for the course, and provides an opportunity for students to demonstrate mastery of skills gained throughout their time in the program.

In my version of this assignment, students may select from three project types: academic research, creative endeavor, or experiential learning. Each project type allows students to design a project that best fits their interests, and educational and career goals. Students may also choose to share the final project on their ePortfolio.

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LAR-285 Coursework & Outcome Mapping Assignment

LAR-285 Coursework and Outcome Mapping Assignment, Fall 2022

In preparation for the development of their ePortfolio, this assignment asks students to reflect on the courses they’ve taken as Liberal Arts students and how those courses connect to the expected program outcomes.

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LAR-101 Self-Assessment Activity

LAR-101 Self-Assessment Activity, Spring 2022

In preparation for the team project assignment in Introduction to Liberal Arts, I asked students to complete a self-assessment to consider their values, interests and goals, and strengths and weaknesses. The assessment also includes a section for reflection.

I was then able to use the information from the self-assessments to create teams of four students before introducing the team project. I also anonymized, compiled, and shared the information from the self-assessments with the students which allowed me to show them some of the things they had in common with many of their classmates such as a high level of interest in the arts, a tendency towards procrastination, and the determination to succeed.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.