Thanks for your helpful suggestions before, during, and after the many open forums and listening sessions held since September. Attached is a copy of the “consensus design” from our architects for Hawthorne & Melville. As mentioned previously, this project creates additional opportunities in Koussevitzky and Field, which will most likely require supplemental funding. We recently attended a meeting with DCAMM in Boston, and it appears that the key elements of this project, including a “connector” between the two buildings, are possible within the existing budget, despite rising construction costs. Please note that the attached artistic renderings of the “connector” are preliminary and subject to revision. The overall plan contains 68 offices for full-time faculty among Hawthorne, Melville, Koussevitzky, Hoffmann, and Paterson. A large shared office for adjunct faculty is slated for F203, and we will be working directly with adjunct faculty to design this space. The last slide shows a sample layout of F203, which includes three rooms to facilitate meetings between adjunct faculty and students. Each workstation will have a computer and telephone, and each individual will have a personal locked cabinet. In addition to copying/printing capabilities in the faculty center, there will be a small copying/printing room in each building. There will be windows added in certain areas, including the department suite in Melville. There will be wireless access throughout both buildings. The academic deans and their assistants will relocate from Field to our core academic buildings (i.e., one in Hawthorne, one in Melville, and one in Koussevitzky). The Steering Committee is currently working on transition plans. As a reminder, the scope of this project also includes … renovated classrooms and labs; new windows; new heating and air conditioning; improved accessibility and wayfinding; new flooring, paint, and lighting; more attractive spaces for students to study, socialize, and meet with faculty; and, renovated restrooms. Construction is scheduled to begin in May 2015, and completion is expected in the late spring of 2017. We will continue to provide updates as this exciting and complex project moves forward. As always, please feel free to contact any member of the Steering Committee with questions.
John C. Law
H M design 4-1-14