Office socialization

Office socialization means less stress and better work. Since we can all relate to the fact that we spend more time at work with co workers then we do with our families and friends, it is most likely essential that we make nice with those we work with. It should be our goal to make it tolerable and friendly so make it a good place. Socialization is described as how we learn to become part of our culture or the world around us. We have developed ourselves based on a certain set of norms that form our personalities and those norms and values in the workplace are different and that is what can be hard to adapt to. There is a possibility of a conflict in norms and in order to survive in the workplace we need to adapt to a new culture. Independence is a skill that is necessary in the socialization process in the workplace because if the person cannot communicate then the ability to learn will diminish.

If socialization is nonexistent in the workplace then this can lead to added stress.  It is important to take time for workplace socialization. While working and getting the job done is important, getting up from the desk once in a while is a good thing. Healthy workplace socialization is good in order to reduce stress. This will provide for more healthy and positive relations with coworkers and maybe even the boss. The positive effects of workplace socialization are the easing of stress, anxiety and job depression. This can also result in a more productive work environment.  This makes for a better person and employee. Socialization in the workplace also is responsible for better morale. I know I always could use a good laugh and some sort of humor in my workday. As long as the humor is tasteful and not offensive to others. It is important not to offend others in the process, this may have a reverse effect on morale. This could result in no friends on the job and may cost you your job.

We must also be mindful of the fact that we have a job to do each day and we have to adjust to many different personalities. So being able to adjust to a diverse group of people is essential.  An example is when new employees are hired and the supervisor brings that employee around to meet the staff. It serves as an ice breaker and a way to initiate a sense of common ground between the newbie and the existing workers.

7 thoughts on “Office socialization

  1. I have had many different types of jobs, and it is true that even with the least socialization required of the job, I found it important to be positive no matter what my day was like. It is also important to allow others to be who they need to be that day, and to not carry that with me the next time I saw them (if they were negative). Everyone has a bad day, a bad week, a bad month, or even a bad year. I only see this one side to who they are at work. It is important not to judge. This goes a long way in socialization at work.

  2. I feel that it does boost morale. When having healthy working relationships with your co workers, you not only feel supported but your day goes by much quicker. We all are fighting battles of some kind, but if we can try to leave them at work and all “play nice” during the day it changes our outlook on how we approach our daily tasks.

  3. To be able to joke and laugh with my co-workers breaks up the day and lets there be less stress in the day. If you don’t like or get along with the people you work with it can make your job feel meaningless. You go to work to do what you have to do then go home. Having less stress and enjoying who you are around helps you as a person want to accomplish more. Adapting to the work atmosphere is key to your success. My friends at work are like my second family. I am with them just as much if not sometimes more. If you don’t get along with them you will just be miserable and won’t accomplish as much as you could.

  4. The workplace is a major part of socialization for an adult and learning, as well as coping, with the reality of their work. People learn about their job and the office norms of the work environment from other co-workers. People also become heavily invested in their career and use it as a way to explain who they are when introducing themselves to people outside of their workplace and to show their social status.

  5. It is interesting and should be noted that the word ‘socializing’ has several meanings: in our daily language it can be just a synonym of ‘hanging around’ with people, or at least I think so, while as a term in sociology it has a more specific meaning.

  6. I have never really worked in an office, so this concept is foreign to me. In a retail environment, this type of socialization happens constantly. Every interaction with another employee or customer is a chance to socialize new employees. I know all of my coworkers very well, including their likes and dislikes and that type of environment is encouraged both in the workplace and to extend it outside of the workplace.

  7. This concept is true in almost any job, whether or not it is explicitly in an office. Working at a deli, we have no cubicles and so we are almost constantly talking or socializing. Having friends to work with definitely increases morale, while giving workers a sense of comradery. Having people that you can depend on and collaborate with increases productivity and happiness. Humans have a natural tendency to bond with others, and when someone is isolated or shut off at work, they are much more prone to dissatisfaction. Socialization in the workplace can also lead to a company culture, which gives employees a sense of purpose.

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