Office socialization

Office socialization means less stress and better work. Since we can all relate to the fact that we spend more time at work with co workers then we do with our families and friends, it is most likely essential that we make nice with those we work with. It should be our goal to make it tolerable and friendly so make it a good place. Socialization is described as how we learn to become part of our culture or the world around us. We have developed ourselves based on a certain set of norms that form our personalities and those norms and values in the workplace are different and that is what can be hard to adapt to. There is a possibility of a conflict in norms and in order to survive in the workplace we need to adapt to a new culture. Independence is a skill that is necessary in the socialization process in the workplace because if the person cannot communicate then the ability to learn will diminish.

If socialization is nonexistent in the workplace then this can lead to added stress.  It is important to take time for workplace socialization. While working and getting the job done is important, getting up from the desk once in a while is a good thing. Healthy workplace socialization is good in order to reduce stress. This will provide for more healthy and positive relations with coworkers and maybe even the boss. The positive effects of workplace socialization are the easing of stress, anxiety and job depression. This can also result in a more productive work environment.  This makes for a better person and employee. Socialization in the workplace also is responsible for better morale. I know I always could use a good laugh and some sort of humor in my workday. As long as the humor is tasteful and not offensive to others. It is important not to offend others in the process, this may have a reverse effect on morale. This could result in no friends on the job and may cost you your job.

We must also be mindful of the fact that we have a job to do each day and we have to adjust to many different personalities. So being able to adjust to a diverse group of people is essential.  An example is when new employees are hired and the supervisor brings that employee around to meet the staff. It serves as an ice breaker and a way to initiate a sense of common ground between the newbie and the existing workers.

Research on Student Learning Through Social Media

As social media becomes more popular, more and more people become more interested in it. Students need socialization, so they are hesitant to take online courses or their daily schedules make it easier to take online classes.  Privacy is a concern in regards to social dimension of students. A study conducted addressed questions such as:  Does social media and social learning promote educational opportunities for better student understanding? Do students view social media as an asset to courses, enhance understanding and keep students engaged?  What problems do university students see with social media usage?

Thirty four questions were incorporated into an online survey regarding demographics of 1376 university students between ages 18-50 and over as the sample. 32% are male, 68% are female, 79% full time and 21% part time students, 21% live on campus and 79% live off campus.  The procedure in the research consisted of an 18 question online survey analyzed and disbursed to 8,486 students. The students had one month to complete the survey and only 16% replied.  Perhaps maybe a face to face survey or a classroom survey may have gotten them a bigger return on replies. I know when I get online survey request I tend to ignore them. In peoples busy lives they don’t have the time to look at what may be considered “junk” online. Maybe also since the research being done is in regards to social media, perhaps putting an online chat for discussion on the college website to seek feedback from the diverse student body.

Analysis consisted of percentages, t tests, and correlations.  Overall results indicated that students were positive regarding the use of social media learning in courses online.  It also resulted in implications for teaching improvements with distance learning. It is believed that learners interact with each other and improves learning with social media.

A problem university students consider with social media use is that it depends on the person, gender, full time, part time, on or off campus students. At this time social media is not used a whole lot, but results indicate professors should train to achieve comfort with social media in their classroom.