
As many know, the Horizon Report comes out each year to capsulize technology trends that are significant to the academy. This year, the keywords are “data sense-making, the cloud, and […]

Summer Reading on the Human Mind

The New England Faculty Development Consortium Exchange, Spring 2010, includes a great list of readings about the Human Mind, put together by G. Christian Jernstedt: humanmind

Evaluation of the 2010 Summer Institute

Thank you, everyone who attended “Igniting Learning: Brain-Based Strategies for Student Success” last week. The evaluation summary is below, with your comments: SI2010eval

Jonah Lehrer’s blog on emerging cognitive research is just amazing. So much of this has to do with learning, our students, ourselves, and human behavior:

Technology vs. Knowledge

The link below is to an excellent short essay by Chris Dede of the Harvard School of Ed. In the piece, he describes the meeting of classical approaches to education […]

This short video introduction to Moodle gives a little of the history and background of Moodle. Moodle Tutorials ::: Educating Educators – A general Moodle presentation. Posted using ShareThis

This is from the Tomorrow’s Professor blog, and features a concise description of some of the main principles of constructivist philosophy: 987. The Constructivist Approach and Online Learning Posted using […]

In this edition, Kay McClenney, head of CCSSE, talks about CC’s reliance on adjuncts, and also comments on the influx of younger home-schooled or gifted students. Answers About Community Colleges, […]

This is the first use of Twitter in higher ed that I have seen that makes any sense. The idea excites me.. read on, just a couple of paragraphs. Wired […]