Horizon report 2010
As many know, the Horizon Report comes out each year to capsulize technology trends that are significant to the academy. This year, the keywords are “data sense-making, the cloud, and […]
As many know, the Horizon Report comes out each year to capsulize technology trends that are significant to the academy. This year, the keywords are “data sense-making, the cloud, and […]
The New England Faculty Development Consortium Exchange, Spring 2010, includes a great list of readings about the Human Mind, put together by G. Christian Jernstedt: humanmind
Thank you, everyone who attended “Igniting Learning: Brain-Based Strategies for Student Success” last week. The evaluation summary is below, with your comments: SI2010eval
Jonah Lehrer’s blog on emerging cognitive research is just amazing. So much of this has to do with learning, our students, ourselves, and human behavior: http://scienceblogs.com/cortex/
This article, linked below, offers a few helpful tips on effective powerpoints. Check the end of the article for links to other resources. Also, this blog — Presentation Zen — […]
The link below is to an excellent short essay by Chris Dede of the Harvard School of Ed. In the piece, he describes the meeting of classical approaches to education […]
This short video introduction to Moodle gives a little of the history and background of Moodle. Moodle Tutorials ::: Educating Educators – A general Moodle presentation. Posted using ShareThis
This is from the Tomorrow’s Professor blog, and features a concise description of some of the main principles of constructivist philosophy: 987. The Constructivist Approach and Online Learning Posted using […]
In this edition, Kay McClenney, head of CCSSE, talks about CC’s reliance on adjuncts, and also comments on the influx of younger home-schooled or gifted students. Answers About Community Colleges, […]
This is the first use of Twitter in higher ed that I have seen that makes any sense. The idea excites me.. read on, just a couple of paragraphs. Wired […]