Teaching & Learning

A professor wrote in the Chronicle of Higher Ed: I have this class that only enrolled about 20 students last spring.  So, as i re-prep the same class for this […]

As featured in a previous post here, Cushing Academy, a private high school in Eastern Mass, has eliminated all the books and gone to a completely digital library. The item […]


Harvard Professor Ellen Langer has been talking about mindful learning for three decades. She is now applying her mindfulness research to the question of aging brains and bodies. Her new […]

The Post reports on an American Council on Education study of gender in higher education. They found: The gender gap is stable. Men now account for 43% of undergrads Latino […]

Howe and Strauss have laid out 7 characteristics of the millennial generation. Three of these 7  seem to speak to some of the challenges college instructors are facing. While the […]

The student body is 42% full-time and 58% part-time The student body is 40% male and 60% female – the highest percentage of male student enrollment in 10 years There […]

Student photo

An exciting prospect for a student team project, check the link below! Social Entreprenurial Student Leadership – USSESL Posted using ShareThis

This article about college admissions is pretty enlightening, and uses some good quantitative reasoning. I found it somewhat shocking that colleges can pretty much guess the student’s economic status just […]

book cover for "Drive"

Author Daniel Pink presents views and evidence on human motivation in business: much of this is applicable to our students. What motivates people? “Madeleine Brand talks to author Daniel Pink […]

This is from the Tomorrow’s Professor blog, and features a concise description of some of the main principles of constructivist philosophy: 987. The Constructivist Approach and Online Learning Posted using […]