Did you know... about Jill Biden...

“From 1993 through 2008, Biden was an instructor at the Stanton/Wilmington campus of Delaware Technical & Community College,[12][18][19] where she taught English composition and remedial writing, with an emphasis on […]

A very thoughtful report on the types of questions one can use to elicit information and student engagement using clickers: http://www.podnetwork.org/publications/teachingexcellence/09-10/V21,%20N3%20Bruff.pdf

Clickers and Peer Instruction

If you are interested in clickers, please ck out this resource from Harvard. Physics Professor Eric Mazur is a lead user of clickers, and has developed best practices for peer […]

Ed Tech Forecasts for 2011

These forecasts for the direction of educational technology are not surprising, as they are continuations of current directions: Mobile computing Tablet, touch screen Cloud based Personalized and engagement-based learning are […]