
Everyone always thinks a mother should stay home with the kids. That mothers should helps kids with their homework and do house cleaning. But now a days men can stay home and be a stay at home dad.

In the industrial revolution, men would be the one’s at the factories working with their kids. The mothers would have to stay home and take care of the house and kids. But in today’s society women have more job offer’s. They are at the same level as men. Women can be lawyers, construction workers, firefighters, police officer’s, etc.

Also kids need their father in their life. They need help with school work. It’s that leader ship they need. Father can do the same things as women can do.

7 thoughts on “Fatherhood

  1. I agree that the role of mothers has changed over the years. I think today it is rare to find a mother who doesn’t have a job so she can stay home with her kids. Women have so many more opporotunites today than they ever did in the past. In some cases the mother of a family may be making more than the father. In the past that would probably by unheard of.

  2. The roles of parenthood have changed alot over the years. You also see more dads winning custody of their children as well. Fathers can and do provide a well rounded way of life for kids. They all need mom too, but the economy and the employment situation has left households with no other choice than to have dad home. A strong parental figure is good in any childs life so it doesn’t really matter who stays home as long as it doesn’t effect the child in a negative way.

  3. As someone who has a husband who stays at home with our daughter, I wholeheartedly agree with this post. I do think that staying home with children takes a little more adjustment for men because they think differently from women. Women tend to multi-task better than men, which is a skill conducive to taking care of children and a home. A friend of mine and I used to joke that we would ask our husbands if they got groceries while we were at work (or did the dishes or laundry) and the response was invariably, “how could I? I had the baby!” While I’m sure that with time, the needed ‘juggling’ skills can be acquired, it seems that biology gave women the skills needed to take care of children and maintain a home simultaneously.


    1. From a biological standpoint, maybe women are better at multitasking because they used to be the primary caretakers of the child. During the beginnings of civilization, the men were usually the ones to participate in war and hunting, although there is evidence of women participating quite a bit in both, even though they seemed to be mostly active closer to the home base. When civilization started, men began to be the ones to travel far away for trade because they didn’t have to bear children. Now that we have the technology to travel great distances and women are working as much as men, those traditions have been reversed, or at least decreased, but if women really are biologically hardwired to multitask more than men, I suppose there could be a link there.

  4. It’s interesting to see how most television shows are featuring different kinds of families than in the past. “Guys with Kids” and “Up All Night” both feature stay at home Dads. Single fathers are also featured on different shows and it is becoming normal for our society. The structure of families has become so much more diverse from what the norm was 50 years ago.

  5. I agree that stay at home dads are just as equal as stay at home moms now. It is so important for fathers to be there just as much as the mother. Since the economy has gone down both parents have had to work. For most families daycare is too expensive so the mother works the day shift while the father stays home with the kids and the father works the night shift while the mother stays home.

  6. It is true that stay at home dads are much more common. As I said in another post, I wonder what the affects of that are? Although both can stay home and parent their children, their parenting styles do vary. I wonder if there were a study to follow two families, one with a stay at home dad, one with a stay at home mother, what the outcome would show.
    It seems that although women tend to be more nurturing and sensitive in some areas, men tend to be more considerate and understanding in others. In the end, which works better.

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