Prostitution: A worldwide Business Of Sexual Exploitation

Farley argues that prostitution is not a free choice. People especially men use the women as sex slaves. The women from the poorer countries will more often be prostitutes than a middle income lady living in the United States. Children both genders are introduced into the sex trade at young ages (even by the age of 12). A lot of women of that are different races are targeted by pimps easier because they come from a lower income country. In this world today there are not as many male prostitutes as there are as women prostitutes. Farley thinks that many of these women and men prostitutes could be runaways from their homes where they might not of gotten along with their family or homeless kids that never had a family to begin with, or got rejected by them. Most likely women that have been abused while growing up as a child will are more likely to become a prostitute than another lady who was brought up in a nice and healthy home. Women are transmitting sexually transmitted diseases. Being a prostitute women are being raped and hurt badly. For all the women Farley has interviewed about seventy percent of them had gotten raped. I have not lived in an area that I have ever seen prostitutes out on the street looking for business; I have only driven by strip clubs that must be full of them. I had a friend, whose sister was a prostitute. She did not enjoy the job, but it’s what brought the food home for the family. The husband didn’t work, so it was up to her how to bring the money home. She picked Prostitution because it was easy and convenient with her schedule. She did not enjoy the job, but she never got abused or taken over when she was doing her work.  I think Prostitution be illegal in every country. It would stop the discrimination towards women. Hopefully in the near time future these horrific things that are going against the women will stop, and this world will stop Prostitution all together.


One thought on “Prostitution: A worldwide Business Of Sexual Exploitation

  1. Amanda,

    It is pretty horrific, isn’t it, thinking about the situations, conditions, that lead folks into prostitution, esp. when one thinks about children forced into prostitution. (Clearly no free choice, there!)

    The question I have tho’ is, prostitution is already illegal in nearly all of the U.S., and yet, it still exists, pretty much everywhere! While I do not advocate making prostitution legal as I know some do (arguing that if you made it legal, it would be easier to require health care and check ups for prostitutes, thereby reducing the spread of STDs) I am troubled by the continued existence of prostitution, despite it being illegal. This seems to be a place, instance, where laws alone are not enough! Maybe there need to be ongoing open discussions, in our society, about all the issues you raised in your post, that Farley raises, too, as well as open discussions about “rights” to sex, and, opportunities for work and income that don’t involve such intimate bodily exploitation.

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