Domestic Violence

In chapter 41: Domestic Violence by Elaine Leeder she discusses three countries, India, Japan and Vietnam. Wife battering is normal family dynamic in India because many women see it as that did not listen to their husband. It is discussed in this chapter that many women is India are domestically abused for different reasons. In rural India, there are a couple of the reason why wife battering is a normal family dynamic which is if they do not keep up on their house work like their supposed to, or they have been disobedient to their husband then its okay if they get beaten. Also women that live in rural India believe that husbands they have been drinking cause them to be abusive because drinking leads feeling hopeless.  Domestic violence is viewed as being “normal” unless seen as extreme. When seen as extreme a village elder or a monk will step in and intervene.

Industrialization and modernization has led to an increase in child abuse in India because India is become more urban. Middle-class families are experiencing competition to try and move upward in their class. In India children are brought up to a high level of obedience towards their parents. If children do not obey their parents there is strict discipline. Leeder says in her article “In north India, the killing of female infants is quite an old phenomenon” Reading this sentence is absolutely crazy to me. Reading about child abuse towards children in India seems like it is almost no big deal just like its no big deal when a wife is beaten by their husband.

Discussed in the section on Vietnam “invisible violence” is viewed as when a Vietnamese women are forced to do housework for 5 to six hours. Where “visible violence” is viewed violence as actually having injuries or death. Reason for this may be low socioeconomic status when has to do with poor men thinking its okay to take their anger and frustration out on their women. Another reason is feudal attitude which is basically “thinking highly of men and slightly of women.” Other reasons may be drinking, gambling, adultery, and jealousy and “intra-individual theory” which basically means that people who are angry blame issues onto other. Violence is not tolerated in Vietnam and the government has local state programs.

One thought on “Domestic Violence

  1. i like this post because i can tell that you read this chapter and understood this chapter like i did. One thing that kind of shocked me was the countries that didnt take domestic violence seriously and didnt have a law for it. The invisible violence is the worst because there isnt laws anywhere for it. But to slave women like that is just cruel and unusual. No wonder why everyone wants to come to the United States!

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