Domestic violence in India, Japan, Vietnam and Africa

Domestic violence in these countries is similar because it affects a great amount of the woman and children. The men of these countries are assumed to be better than the women. It differs by the punishments for abusing people and by the ratios of it happening and the amount of help you can get or receive. I feel you are raised a wife beater and the men of these countries believe it is a man’s world still. I also feel rising industrialization and modernization increase domestic violence because the men feel women will overthrow them and it scares man. The women of these countries don’t complain because they think it is normal to get beat, it is how they were raised.

When Leeder say “suspends any ethnocentric value judgments about family violence” she means do not judge a woman’s culture by the standards of your own culture. These values might seem wrong to you or off but in that woman’s eyes it is normal. It is their culture. Just because they believe in, family violence doesn’t mean you have to.

One thought on “Domestic violence in India, Japan, Vietnam and Africa

  1. The abuse of women and children in countries such as India, Japan, Vietnam and Africia are because they are perceived lower then men on the economic status. These countries are not as advanced as the United States of America on Women’s Rights. It is deeply sad to hear the horror stories of these women and children. I truely believe that human being deserves to be abused no matter what they status is. All humans have the right to be treated with respect and diginity.

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