Domestic Violence

1a. Domestic Violence is similar in India, Japan, Vietnam and Africa because they all have some type of domestic violence in their country but it differs because each country has their own form of violence. There is family violence, which means that in a household child abuse and wife battering occur on a regular basis? In Japan wife battering happens when the husband beats his wife on a regular basis and usually it first starts out with a hit and then sometimes it can lead to a deadly assault. Then there is just plain of’ domestic violence that occurs in African and Vietnam. Wife battering is common in industrial countries such as Japan and the United States because even though the United States isn’t as organized as Japan that doesn’t mean that wife battering doesn’t happen. It mostly happens because the women will try to get out of an abusive relationship by breaking up or getting a divorce but that’s when the real beating starts. The man is not ready to let go yet and he takes his anger out on his women. Or it could be that the man is so tired and stressed out from work and one little thing like forgetting to make dinner could lead the women in very rough shape. Even though there are laws in the United States for wife battering it still happens and Japan needs to get recognized with the problem they are having with wife battering.

2. Most women in these countries never complain about domestic violence because for fear that if their husband or boyfriend were to find out they would hurt them. They also think that it happens a lot they think it is normal so there is no need to report it to anyone, it’s no big deal. They think that it is an ‘everyday affair’ so there is no need to report it. The individual, legal, historical and cultural factors help explain the silence of women, because in India it is historical and cultural to have a boy. So if the wife has a boy for a child they don’t have to worry about getting beat. If you plan to have birth control 9 chances out of 10, you are going to get beaten. Form of birth control is considered bad in India.It’s the sociological expectations. The indiviual factor is that it’s ok that the man beats his wife when he’s drunk because he is drunk he can’t control anything, he doesn’t know what he is doing. If he doesn’t drink and beat someone, he is a wonderful kind man.

3. When Leeder urges the reader to suspend “any ethnocentric value judgements” about family violence is because she means for the reader to not think about enthnocentricism which means don’t judge a culture by your own culture and beliefs. She doesn’t want you to think of Indian men as terrible people because not all of them beat their wife. She wants us to think that the United States and India are two totally different countries and we have different values and cultures that we seem to live by.

By: Nicole

2 thoughts on “Domestic Violence

  1. 1. The similarities are that most of the husbands beat the wives because of financial stress and sometimes alcoholism. The men use their wives as scapegoat and often blame the women. The differences in these countries are that Vietnam has strict laws to prohibit violence against wives and children. Africa, Japan, and India accept wife beating. For example, in certain parts of Africa domestic violence is the way of their culture. There aren’t any specific laws against domestic violence, so it’s simply tolerated. Domestic violence happens in the U.S. and Japan because sometimes it’s unreported and when men are stressed or maybe drunk they tends to beat their wives.
    2. In some cultures it is unacceptable to admit to being abused, so some women are scared to speak up. Individually some women don’t speak up because they feel that if it’s not a severe beating it’s not worth talking about. For others it’s just accepted in their culture. Legally there aren’t laws to protect these women, and if there are such laws they are rarely enforced. Historically domestic violence has been passed down from generation to generation, so violent behavior is learned from the way kids see their family as they were growing up.
    3. She meant don’t judge domestic violence in other cultures by the standards of one own culture. I think it’s everyone responsibility to make sure all humans are safe.

    By Okimi

  2. Yes, I agree. In India women are not even aloud to show their skin. Women are treated like am object. Men are the power and women are to do as they are told. Women do not complain or speak up because they know no other way. This is their life their culture. I believe that all humans have the right to be happy and treated with respect in every culture.

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