How to set up Outlook folders for Moodle Quickmail
Here are the instructions for setting up a rule in Outlook for your Moodle Quickmail messages to and from students: QuickmailtoOutlookNEW
Here are the instructions for setting up a rule in Outlook for your Moodle Quickmail messages to and from students: QuickmailtoOutlookNEW
This is a 30-minute video on the new Turn It In ipad app. Our Moodle platform offers Turn It In integrated assignments — this is a potential leap forward in […]
This is very exciting news for instructors who are interested in using the Grademark function of TII to digitally receive, grade, and return student papers. TurnItIn on the Ipad […]
As an instructor, you may already know there’s ways tablets can enrich your courses, but sifting through the nearly countless apps available for download can seem overwhelming. As with choosing […]
Source:; for the full article, please click here.
Welcome to the blog for the BCC Mobile Initiative! This blog will be regularly updated with tips for using mobile devices in the classroom, suggestions for helpful apps, and news […]