Volunteer/ Work History

Work History

  • Babysat for around one to two years. Responsible for up to five children at one time; prepared meals for them, kept the home clean as well as them, washed dishes, helped some of the older kids with school, monitored internet usage, and provided emotional stability.
  • Worked at Walmart for around one year. During that time, I was a salesperson on the floor and I left because of the start of COVID-19. There, my responsibilities were to stock items in certain aisles, provide customer assistance, and maintain the overall organization of the back of the building when trucks came in.
  • Currently, working on my small business, mirandascrystals, where my current responsibilities are to do all of the things that a business must do.
    • Advertisements, whether it be through TikTok, Instagram, or other Social Media platforms, are made personally by me. Although Etsy draws in some revenue just by being Etsy, I drive almost up to eighty percent of my page interaction on a good day.
    • Social media management overall is done solely by me.
    • I provide all customer support myself. I respond to all messages, possible emails, and questions that someone may have.
    • I take all product pictures myself with my own tools and edit them on the software I have.
    • I purchase and source all packaging materials, crystals, tools, wire, etc. for my business, usually in bulk.
    • I personally package all of my own items and provide information cards for most products. In each package, I also provide a business card and thank you from my business.

Volunteer Work

  • North Adams volunteer friendship center; worked there when I was younger, for about a year. Helped prepare some food, clean up and give food to people who came into the church.
  • Relay for life, for two years. Raised money with school and individually after in a group with my friends.
  • Hurricane Fundraising Dance. I sold the most tickets out of anyone else on the team!
  • Student ambassador work – various volunteer experiences.

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