Volunteer/ Work History

Work History Babysat for around one to two years. Responsible for up to five children at one time; prepared meals for them, kept the home clean as well as them, washed dishes, helped some of the older kids with school, monitored internet usage, and provided emotional stability. Worked at Walmart for around one year. During… Continue Reading Volunteer/ Work History


I am a multifaceted person with many skills and talents that push me forward in a professional field. I have taken multiple AP classes, taken AP tests, and prepared relentlessly for the work that they challenge you with. Furthermore, I took many electives that pushed me out of my comfort zone. For example, I participated in… Continue Reading Skills

About Me!

My name is Miranda Grant. This section will go over everything about me, and the portfolio overall will address me as a student, as a worker, and who I am as a person. I hope you enjoy going over my portfolio for my first semester at Berkshire Community College! Last year, I graduated from BART… Continue Reading About Me!

Contact Information

Miranda-Ann Mae Grant mirandaanngrant@gmail.com mirandascrystals (business name) on Etsy, Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, and Tiktok.

Writing Samples

Elevate Mental Health Awareness Essay (Bold Scholarship) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XkBUEr5nMmBpt5NlfM9OqeSI6cPpfm0P8qZwCLr96EA/edit?usp=sharing Mental health is ignored a lot in Western society and although recently people have been having more open discussions there is still a lot of misinformation and prejudice. Going through the experiences that I have had has taught me many lessons, especially the importance of caring for… Continue Reading Writing Samples