
I am a multifaceted person with many skills and talents that push me forward in a professional field. I have taken multiple AP classes, taken AP tests, and prepared relentlessly for the work that they challenge you with. Furthermore, I took many electives that pushed me out of my comfort zone. For example, I participated in multiple art classes, realized that was something I really enjoyed, and once I entered high school I switched things up. I took Robotics classes, Computer Science classes, and Game Development classes. These all helped me to develop my critical thinking and do things that I am not prepared for.

My speech skills are also paramount to my character as a student. Because I was a BART student, I was challenged each year to do verbal presentations called Student Led Conferences. Again, because of my anxiety, these pushed me out of my comfort zone but eventually, I learned how to master them. Now, I can go on Zoom or in-person with ease to present a topic that I am versed on.

My small business makes me an entrepreneur as I do everything myself. I package my items, source the crystals, post the advertisements, the actual Etsy posts and do so much more that it is difficult to list here. I am overall a very versatile person with many skills and hobbies that add to them!

Some more skills:
  • Hard-working
  • Focused
  • Dedicated
  • Innovative
  • Empathetic


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