Izzy Journette Portfolio

My name is Israela Journette, and I am enrolled in the dual enrollment program at BCC. This means that I am both a high school student and a college student at the same time. I am currently in my second… Continue Reading →

Contact Information

You may contact me via phone or email. Email: Israelajournette@gmail.com Phone: (351) 444-8991


Throughout my educational journey, I have acquired various skills that have helped me in the long run.    Reading comprehension is one of them. By taking numerous college courses, I have learned to read and understand texts better, which has… Continue Reading →

Personal Skill Sets

I also possess a wide range of personal skills in addition to my educational and professional abilities. These include strong communication skills, adaptability, and emotional intelligence. Connecting with others and communication is another skill that I have developed through theatre…. Continue Reading →

Writing Samples

The following writing sample is from a literary memoir course that I took at BCC. I wrote this piece on the book “Farm City” by Novella Carpenter. I selected this particular piece because it demonstrates my analytical skills and also… Continue Reading →


Here is a resume of my previous experiences in acting. Kami Export – 32016826161-Theatre-Form-theater_resume

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