Course Activities: All About Assignments
For assistance considering ways of modifying course content and assessments for alternate modes of delivery, contact Stacy Evans (, Faculty Lead for the Center for Teaching and Learning Innovation, or Lauren Goodman (, Dean of Teaching and Learning Innovation.
Collecting assignments during a campus closure is fairly straightforward and many instructors already collect work electronically. It may seem easy to collect assignments via email, but it can quickly swamp your email inbox, and can be difficult for you and your students to keep track of.
We strongly suggest using the Assignment or Turnitin Assignment activities in Moodle.
For an overview of best practices and key features of Assignments, watch our CTLI guide: All About Assignments [Video – 10:47]:
- Click here to learn about the Assignment activity in Moodle [Video – 4:53]
- Click here for step-by-step instructions for how to add an Assignment activity in Moodle
- Click here for what happen after you receive an Assignment and how to grade in Moodle
- Click here for how to create a rubric for an Assignment in Moodle [Video 7:18]
For an overview of ways to quickly give feedback to students in Moodle, watch the below video [9:41]:
Set clear deadlines and expectations for your online assignments but be aware that during campus closures some students will have difficulties meeting deadlines. Be ready to provide more flexibility than you normally would in your class.