About me

My name is Jadziah Drozd but I like to go by Ziah, pronounced Zee-uh. I was born and grew up in Pittsfield Massachusetts with my siblings. I was home schooled most of my life until I decided to go to public school in 2015 for sixth grade. I went to Reid Middle School for a whole school year without my brothers, the next year when my brothers decided to go to school we transferred to Lee Middle and High School which is where I graduated from in 2022.

Through my time at Lee Middle and High School I started to get into art, specifically drawing and painting. I took many art classes while I was there and in my senior year I took an art portfolio class where I really got to explore my talents. I found a love for painting and creating the images in my head. I enjoy working with watercolor and acrylic paints and sometimes get into drawing with graphite and charcoal. Through the year I ended up creating a 12 piece series of paintings of characters that I had come up with myself. This helped me really explore my love for fantasy and create something that felt personal to me.

I have been a fan girl all my life and nothing has changed. There are many fandoms I enjoy and am apart of,  I enjoy Harry Potter, The Walking Dead, The 100, and Fantastic Beasts.