Sample Work

The assignments that are being presented are the pieces of work that I believe represent the kind of student I am! Each individual assignment shows my creativity, thoughtfulness, and general effort!  I chose these four pieces because I believe they were my personal favorite assignments to work on and accomplish!

They also represent the kind of class work as a whole that I have been accomplishing to obtain my Liberal Arts Degree!


Assignment 1: 

Aging Out of Foster Care and Becoming Another Statistic (4) 

When I started college I was working a couple of different jobs, one of which was being a babysitter. I specifically looked after a big family, all of which had been, or currently were in foster care. So, when given the opportunity to research a topic of my choice, I knew I wanted to look deeper into the statistics of those who age out of foster care. I am very proud of this assignment and believe that my message was made clear. I feel this is the best piece of work from my entire career at BCC. 

Assignment 2: 

Brochure- LeVardi-Earle 

This next assignment was chosen because of the message that is behind it. This self-esteem brochure was an assignment from my Women & Self-Esteem course. This assignment and class as a whole taught me so much about self-love and self-empowerment, I learned things that I have and will continue to implement in my day-to-day life. I feel it was really important for me to add this course and assignment because it represents the types of courses that I was able to take as a Liberal Arts student that I might not have been able to take if I had chosen a different major. 


Assignment 3: 

Psycho presentation 

This presentation was from one of the most fun and intriguing courses that I took at BCC. I took Honors Gothic Lit/Horror Film, and it was an extremely fun experience. The work we did consisted of analyzing and researching horror classics, how could that not be a good time! One of my favorite assignments was this presentation. We watched Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho and then broke it down in our own ways. 

Assignment 4: 

Hannah LeVardi-Earle – Final Paper (2) 

For my last assignment, I chose to add my final paper from my Developing Resiliency course. Like my Women and Self-Esteem course, I was taught valuable life skills and tools to use to be a stronger and more confident person. I am forever thankful for the opportunity of being able to actually take this course. This assignment does a good job of describing how this course worked for me and how I took advantage of the tools I learned.