BCC is teaming up with Berkshire Natural Resource Council to offer a FREE hike to students, faculty, staff, alumni & guests this Saturday March 8th at the North Yokun Ridge at Olivia’s Overlook in Lenox. It starts at 10am and is a moderate level, 3-mile hike. There is a parking area at Olivia’s Overlook, where the hike starts and finishes.
The trail starts across the street from Olivia’s Overlook, heads up to the Beautiful Monks Pond, where we’ll stop for a snack. Then we connect with the Brother’s Trail and loop back to Olivia’s Overlook. Depending on the weather, if you have snowshoes, bring them! This hike will have a certified guide along the way.
Directions as follows: From the center of Lenox, take Rt. 183S; bear right on Richmond Mountain Road. Richmond Mountain Road becomes Lenox Road. The trailhead is on your left, look for the BNRC sign. Carpooling is always appreciated! To sign up or for questions, contact Paterson x1661 or email: lpellegr@berkshirecc.edu.