As we all continue to practice social distancing while living under increasing amounts of stress in our current day to day lives, it is important to remember to take care of your mental health. In our moments of anxiety or fear we often forget that we are in control of one thing and that is our minds. We in fact have the ability to reduce our stress and anxiety in as little as 30 seconds. That’s right you heard me correctly, in as little as 30 seconds!! With the use of some basic mindfulness techniques you can change how you deal with daily stressors and keep yourself from those ruminating thought spirals we often fall into so quickly in our lives.
Mindfulness has become a buzzword in recent years and you may have heard it however not know what exactly that means. Mindfulness is the practice of bringing one’s full attention into the current moment without judgement, this includes observing ones body sensations and thoughts. The video with Phil Boissiere below is a simple introduction into the practice of mindfulness and demonstrates an easy way to start to practice this very useful life skill right now. I highly recommend you take the time to watch and give it a try! It may be a helpful tool for you in these stressful times and one that you could share with others to help reduce their anxiety and stress.
Looking after your mental health is just as important as your physical health, so lets start to work out our brain with a new exercise; mindfulness! In addition to the TEDx video with Phil Boissiere, I have also posted a fun animation breakdown of mindfulness, what it is and how it can make a substantial change in the way you cope with stress and anxiety in your life. I myself have spent many years practicing mindfulness skills and it has changed my ability to deal with life stressors and anxiety. I believe with a little practice you too can start using mindfulness techniques in your daily life, reducing some of those negative moments that often can weigh us down in all aspects of our lives and lead to missing out on the moment we are currently are living.
I hope that this post brings you at least 30 seconds of peace in these uncertain times and even possible puts a smile on your face. We are all in this together even when we are practicing measures of being apart so, please remember to wash your hands frequently for at least 20 seconds with soap and water to help keep the more vulnerable among us safe. Namaste.