Prostitution: A Worldwide Business of Sexual Exploitation

Krystal Sykes

In the World today we have seen and heard an unimaginable amount of stories about prostitution that can either lead us to agree with it or be against it. Melissa Farley disagrees with the view that it is a free choice. She wishes people would see it for what it really is, “a particularly lethal form of male violence against women.” The truth behind prostitution is usually concealed and or accepted depending on the person or the country. Farley doesn’t believe it is a free choice because for numerous cases she has found that women and children are either forced into it, find it as a better support system, or are seeking escape from a “worse” lifestyle. In my opinion I think some may feel it is a free choice because they are brainwashed into believing it is their only option to a more “stable” life. After reading this article it is clear that more than 50% of prostitution comes from abuse as a child, force, or escape from a harder life; usually all three combined into one. They may feel that it is a free choice but that’s because they haven’t experienced something better. It is a very common thing that women partaking in prostitution are of a certain race and have a lack of education. Men have certain preferences, which affects many races such as Asian and African Americans. Also, some men desire a younger “women” which brings children into the picture. With a lack of education, it is easier to get into prostitution because they may feel they cannot move up to something greater and this in turn keeps them employed. Some also feel a sense of control because it’s their body but this usually isn’t the case. In most cases of the “sex-sellers” they have been mentally and or physically abused throughout life, have had a poor education, and ultimately feel wanted and in control leading them to ignore the real truth and consequences. By legalizing prostitution, “the state acts as a pimp.” Even if the act of prostituting was legalized, the women knew they would still be exposed to some sort of violence. The act of decriminalizing would just “remove the social stigma associated with prostitution.” Along with legalization, the trauma of the reality would still be there. The difference between the two is, decriminalizing would give a man “permission” to women and children. Farley disagrees with both because there would still be violence and many would be forced to deal with it. Legalizing or decriminalizing would just mean accepting something that is a form of abuse and there would never be a hope of escape. I agree with Melissa Farley because for many women and children it isn’t a “free choice” despite beliefs; it is a form of abuse that is ignored because of several reasons including the power of money.


Let’s Reduce Global Population!

Krystal Sykes

In J. Kenneth Snail’s article he writes about “Ten Inescapable Realities” which help support his belief that even a program of zero population wouldn’t be enough to reduce the world’s population. Snail feels that “it would take at least two to three generations” of no population increase just to get to a point where the Earth’s population would be considered stable. He points out that adolescents are already here and on top of that there’s their parents, grandparents (sometimes great too) and maybe even their children. With this fact we look at the time they’ll be around, probably until 2050. On top of this, though not all will survive this long, birth rates are greater than death rates which in turn will continue to increase the population by billions. Even if we took this factor out, our resources are not infinite. Although we have made huge technological advances, it won’t be enough for the already seven billion people forever. It is an already seen fact that resources are running out and that’s just for the developed countries. Because it is an apparent growing problem, Snail suggests that it’s “better for our species to err on the side of prudence, exercising wherever possible a cautious and careful stewardship.” With time continuing to move forward and our constant discoveries, many simply feel we can find some magical answer to any problem. We are the “dominant” species on Earth, even if we are also a disease infecting the planet. We need to become individually aware of our environment and what every small action actually does to the planet and the millions of other species. Instead of being the “absolute masters” we need to realize that humans are the cause of the destruction and we have to share the Earth among species and respect each habitat in order to preserve it.