Mark Bushey and Pete White answer questions from students regarding their past and current successes.
Last Monday, November 7th, Service-Learning Student Leader, Kimberly, kicked off CHILL: A Series of Workshops about Your Future. Her session provided an opportunity to reflect on one’s current experiences as well as their past; thus, providing an opportunity to travel hopefully into the future. Kimberly began the session with a short personality assessment and applied what the audience learned about themselves to simulate real life situations that students might face in their lives currently and in the future.
Today, students heard from Pete White and Mark Bushey, both BCC Alumni, about their successes after graduation. Pete White, the current Ward 2 Councilor, and Coordinator at The Brien Center, expressed the need for students to be involved in their community, pursue opportunities with Service-Learning and provided students with networking tips. Mark Bushey, a full-time member of BCC Faculty, and Seargant with the Pittsfield Police department, encouraged students by sharing his experience at BCC and beyond. In this, he shared how he turned around his negative attitude towards academics to later become a source for academic success and positive growth.
Both panelist reflected on the fact that the campus has valuable resources for students to grow over the course of their education. In the end, Mark Bushey left an important message to students that they needed to follow their passion and to pursue positive growth and knowledge.