Art Students designed the boxes for the food drive like this one that sits in front of the President's Office
Share the Bounty in the County!
Healthy Food Drive collection begins Monday, Oct. 24 and runs until Nov. 4th at Berkshire Community College. Please bring healthy non-perishable food items to drop off boxes at the Service-Learning Office, President’s Office and Student Lounge.
This is a service-learning project in partnership with Berkshire Health Systems and the Salvation Army. Math, Art, Sociology and Culinary Arts service-learning students all have a role in making this food drive a success! Healthy food totes will be distributed to families and individuals in need on Nov. 18th at the Salvation Army. Recipients will be chosen based on need. Applications for a Healthy Food Tote are available at the Service-Learning Office, BMC Hillcrest Campus and Salvation Army from now until Nov. 7th.