Welcome back readers. Friday is finally here! Let’s take a moment to bring ourselves into this moment, putting all the stress and anxiety of the day to the side. Just focus on our your breath. Taking a slow, deep breath, in though your nose and out through your mouth. Do this for a few breaths. As you continue to breath just let yourself relax in your body and in your mind. Maybe check in with points of tension in your body, like is your jaw clenched or your shoulders tense, just take a moment to focus on those tension points you may be feeling in your body and try to relax them. Remember if you get distracted, just bring your focus back to your the breath, in and out. See, doesn’t that you feel a bit more relaxed? Today, we will be focusing on ways you can relax while we try to do our best to navigate these uncertain and ever changing times.
Taking a moment to focus on your breath can be a great way to reduce your stress in any situation.
For most of us lately Friday just means another day staying at home, washing hands repeatedly or doing our best to practice social distancing, not bringing much change to our new routines. As we do our best to practice these safety measures and try to continue on with some sense of normalcy, it can leave us with increased stress and anxiety. I imagine most people can relate, so please know you are definitely not alone in these feelings. There are others out there that are feeling a great deal of stress as well and have some good advice to offer, like in this blog!
Don’t be afraid to reach out to others right now and talk about what’s going on with you and how you are feeling. It can be family, friends, a therapist, a mentor, a co worker or a neighbor, if you feel like you are overwhelmed or feeling depleted reach out and talk about it. As long as we are doing so over technology or from a safe distance, it can really help just to put words to your feelings. Sarah Silverman (@sarahkatesilverman) says, “If it’s mentionable, it’s manageable.” If you can talk about it then you are half way to solving the issue. Many times we keep all of our stress and anxiety inside of ourselves and think it will just go away, yet it usually does not. That is where support and connection with others can make such a I difference in our lives.
Reaching out doesn’t make you weak, it takes strength to be vulnerable.
Many of us are feeling like we just can’t relax or calm our minds lately. This often leads to us to be short tempered, irritable and having less effective communication with those around us. Below is a short video with 8 great tips on ways to relax that we all can try while we do our best to stay positive during this trying time.
As the the video above mentioned briefly, yoga can be a good way to relax and let go of the tension in our bodies and our minds. It can be a way to get a good exercise and build strength if you are looking to add something new to your work out routine. It can also help reduce anxiety and stress we may be feeling, especially when we have been in the house for days on end. You don’t have to be an expert in yoga to try some simple poses and exercises, so give it a try. It may just be your new favorite way to relax or practice self-care. There are plenty of videos on YouTube and apps that offer yoga classes you can do right at home in your living room. The video below is a simple 5 minute yoga to start your day mindfully and relaxed.
Maybe yoga isn’t for you and that’s okay, no judgement. There are many other ways that people choose to relax, so try some things out and find out what works for you. Maybe for you it is listening to music, watching a movie on Netflix, taking a warm bath, reading a book or having some quiet time in reflection. Once you find things that bring you calm and help you relax, you can turn to them in moments of stress, instead of getting overwhelmed in your day. Paying attention to your body’s signals and your thoughts are key to managing stress an anxiety. Sometimes, we get so wrapped up in the stress of the day and don’t realize it till we are snapping at our partner or being irritable with our children, which doesn’t fair so well for our interpersonal relationships, often causing another point of stress in your life. It is only then that we often realize something is bothering us and we need to address it. Relaxation seems like an easy thing to do yet practicing it in our daily lives, now more than ever, can be one of the most difficult things. Take time in your day to practice self-care and relax in a way that brings you happiness. Remember, taking time to relax is time we investment in ourselves.
“If it’s mentionable, it’s manageable” – Sarah Silverman
I hope that these tips and videos help you find some new ways to relax and find some moments of peace in your life this coming weekend. I will be back on Monday with more ideas and tips of ways you can find your happy place. Please feel free to leave your comments, questions and suggestions by clicking on the Contact Me tab. You can also click Subscribe in the right hand corner of your screen to get my blog sent directly to your inbox Monday through Friday. Have a great weekend and remember to wash your hands and practice social distancing to protect the most vulnerable among us.
For those of you who are looking for ways to help those in your community during these uncertain times, I have included some links below for ways you can donate and resources that are being offered for those in need.
Berkshire Community College: Choose the amount you wish to donate, then choose “Student Emergency Financial Aid” before completing the form. This is the best way to donate so that your donation can be used in the most flexible way to help as many students possible.
Berkshire County Food Pantries & Meal Pick Up Sites: This link provides a list of all the food pantries that are offering food distribution in local communities as well as meal pick up sites. Make sure to double check the requirements of each site to see if you qualify.
Berkshire Helping Hands: Berkshire Helping Hands, in cooperation with community volunteers, is offering assistance to North Berkshire seniors in need during the public health crisis due to COVID-19.