
Work Samples

Personified Struggle of Lust and Shame_Rivera-2

This essay was written for my LGBTQ+ Literature Class in the Fall of 2023. This was a deep dive on the poem “Guilt, Love, and Desire” by James Baldwin addressing personifications of perceived gay lovers and hardships in their relationships due to society’s expectations.

Benefit of Growth Through Laughter_Rivera

For my Intro to Psychology class in the 2023 Spring Semester, I researched and wrote this essay on the beneficial factors that laughter has on humans, physically and mentally.

Step Out of Your Comfort Zone_Research Paper (Final Draft)_Rivera

This was a persuasive essay I completed for my Composition II class. This was to help the readers step out of their comfort zones, giving the benefits of why doing so is a positive in everybody’s life.

Enzyme Lab Report_BIOL_Rivera

This was a Lab Report completed for my Biology 101 course. The lab consisted of observing and monitoring invertase, an enzyme that breaks down sucrose. We measured the temperature, pH level, and the substrate concentration. After the conclusion of the lab, we created a report on the outcomes of the experiment.






Hello, my name is Rafael Rivera and this is a portfolio to document myself and educational and professional works. I am a 24 year old Berkshire Community College student who is striving to be a positive male role model to the youth. I have been working with children for 14 years in various fields from being a paraprofessional, coaching basketball, being a camp and after school counselor, and my current position as a Residential Counselor for special needs children at Berkshire Meadows. Being a positive male role model to kids is my goal because I never had one when I was an impressionable youth so I would just like to pass on positivity anyway I can to those who need it. As of right now my path leads me towards being a high school teacher to continue on my path of being a role model to those who need it.
