This course explores contemporary society from the point of view of sociology. Areas of substantive concerns within society such as socialization, deviance, class, family and politics will be explored. A general objective is to assist students to understand the relationship between human behavior and the societal context. We aim to assist students in developing skills in explaining, interpreting, applying and evaluating sociological perspectives in relation to specific social phenomena in contemporary societies. In each section sociological theory and empirical findings will be presented and discussed. Socio-historical and comparative analysis will be explored as well as the implication of sociological knowledge for social policy and programs. Our main focus will be contemporary developed societies in general and USA in particular. Cultural diversity and globalization are central themes that will run through all learning modules.
Learning Outcome:
At the end of this course students will be able to:
- Demonstrate an understanding of the sociological theory and concepts in test essays and class projects
- Identify and critique the sociological arguments related of social change, cross-cultural differences, ethic difference and gender differences in contemporary society
- Apply the sociological perspective to the study of social class, deviance, race, culture, social institutions and gender
- Explain the different methods of sociological enquiry and be able to give general assessment of their strengths and weaknesses
- Articulate possible application of sociologically derived knowledge
Course Outline
The course is structured around 8 modules with each scheduled to last one week. In each module the following will be expanded upon; 1. Objectives 2. Overview 3. Reading and 4. Assignments
Modules | Lecture and Discussion topics |
1. Sociological Perspective and Method | 1.1 -The Sociology Perspective an Overview
1.2 – History of sociology 1.3- Sociological Theory 1.4- Sociological Research 1.5 – Social Interaction and social structure |
2. Basic Social Processes | 2.1 – Culture
2.2 – Socialization 2.4 – Deviance 2.5 – Human Sexuality |
3. Social Inequality | 3.1-Social Stratification
3.2-Global Inequality 3.4-Gender 3.3-Race and Ethnicity |
4. Social Institutions | 4.2 – Politics
4.1-Economic Institution 4.3 Family 4.4-Religion 4.3 Education |
5. Social Change. | 5.1 -Population,
5.2 – Urbanization 5.3 -The Environment 5.4 -Collective Behavior 5.5 – social Change |
I have enjoyed this class alot. I would highly recommend this course to anyone I know taking classes at BCC