Smail’s belief that a fully effective program of zero population growth would not be enough to reduce the world’s population is supported by the fact that much of the world’s population is under 15 and has yet to reproduce. Smail’s also states that the world’s long term carrying capacity is finite because the earth can only recycle renewable resources so fast and if your consumption of a resource passes the rate at which the earth can replenish it goes from being an infinite resource to a finite resource that will run out as some point. He sees the solution to this problem as putting in place aggressive conservation policies. With his statement “. . .come to regard ourselves more as the Earth’s long-term stewards than its absolute masters.” means that we are not alone on the planet and need to be aware of the fact the we are killing of lots of spices every day because of our habits. The view that Smail’s has on population growth does make it appear like more of the problem than most people see it and it is a problem, but Smails may very well be underestimating human ingenuity because many of the thing we have now were unthinkable to have even just 50 years ago.
Author Archives: tylerb
Invisible privilege
Privilege is often invisible because if you grow up having things and thinking of them as provided for you sometimes it is hard to image people not having them. The category of people most likely to be aware of privilege is the low income and people who grew up in a low income environment. Andrea was so uncomfortable because she was not aware up till that point that people can get along without things she has or with things being so bad. Yes people can overcome social differences, but it takes a lot of work because you are almost adapting to a different culture to do it. Funding for schools is an invisible privilege because people in the same income bracket tend to gather together and when they pay tax for the schools they pay more because they make more. This creates an imbalance in the funding a school system has and is what creates this invisible privilege. BY TYLER