Religious schools often enjoy a relatively low incident rates, and there are many reasons for this. The major reason for this seems to be the support structure. An infraction will result in discipline, but the difference is that there is a peer pressure to do right as well. Another reason for this can be attributed to the religious cultures that attend such schools. Many of who are law abiding, upstanding citizens who hold conservative reservations about experimentation. The discipline process is also a huge improvement over secular campuses, because religious schools try to teach why something was wrong and have a priest or bishop doing the counseling. They also involve parents in the disciplinary process; giving even more pressure to conform to the rules. I do not know anyone who would willingly upset a holy man. Schools like Magdalen, Bob Jones University, and Patrick Henry College have taken a hard line approach to dating on their campuses. Magdalen outlaws dating, while Bob Jones and Patrick Henry Colleges require parental permission. These rules establish a control to help prevent sin, but more importantly teen pregnancy, campus STD’s, and they help to develop a person’s character. It is much easier to develop these personal attributes when you are not too busy working on a relationship. As a former catholic school student I feel that Religious school’s best ability is promoting conformity. This give a better environment for learning by removing many of the distractions young adults face and also reduce the forming of bad adult habits.
Author Archives: nicholas
Invisible Privilege
When people refer to the invisible privilege, I consider it to be in reference to social class. The determining factor is usually dependent on the family’s income. The first day of class, during a conversation about feminism, someone behind me said, “I know the world is male dominated and complaining about it won’t help. To achieve equality women have to overcome their differences with men, not complain about them.” While the article doesn’t complain about sexism, it says the social class is race dependant, and the saying applies to racial differences as well. People who have been victims of racial class separation and inequality need to stop complaining about being treated differently and need to rise up and demand the equality. If someone wants the “prestige” and complains that it is because of the hand they were dealt or the race they were born with that prevents them from achieving professional or social goals need only look into the mirror for who to blame. History is filled with people who overcame their lack of privilege and gained it for themselves and their people. The fact of it is simple in order to change something you have to fight (not necessarily violently) for it. Given equality does not have the same value as equality (freedom, prestige, money, etc.) that is earned through struggle.
Privilege is usually only known to people who have earned it. Reason being is that they have been without privilege so they know the difference. People who are born with “the invisible privilege” often don’t recognize that they have it because people seem to think of everything as self accomplished and rarely acknowledge he or she received help or had an advantage. When Andrea entered Jewel’s Newark home she was uncomfortable because she was experiencing culture shock. She was being made aware of their social differences and forced to a level she has never known before. This shock can easily be overcome with practice. If Andrea’s mother exposed her to more uncomfortable situations she would develop and tolerance to her surroundings forcing them to become more familiar and less taboo. School funding is not a form of invisible privilege as far as public schools are concerned. I for one went to an out of district school but had to make up the difference in transportation costs. College is where the invisible privilege is most prevalent, with expensive ivy leagues and state universities upper middle and upper class children are usually the only ones who can afford them. I think the invisible privilege is less with race and more with income.
By Nick