Privilege is often invisible because people do not realize what class they are in unless they are directly effected by the consequences of that class. For example a rich white man may not realize that he has more privilege than a poor black man living on the streets. The white man looks over the black man day after day like he isn’t there while the black man looks to him in envy. So privilege is invisible to those it does not directly effect. Andrea was uncomfortable in Jewel’s Newark home because her lifestyle was so much different than Jewel’s. Andrea is used to a certain way of living where they can use lights as decorations for their homes, but in Jewel’s home they conserve energy and use the lighting as little as possible. I think people can overcome these social differences by just accepting that some are more privileged that others. In my life i am not as privileged as some of my friends.
Many of my friends having parents that make a lot of money got sent away to an all paid for trips to thirty thousand dollar colleges. They were more privileged than i am because they got their schooling paid for while i had to earn my own way to pay for my schooling. This high class free schooling that they received puts them in a better position to succeed than myself. This has caused me to lose quite a few close friends because i couldn’t go to college like they do and we drifted away. Was my relationship with them seriously affected? No, but privilege did effect the situation.