Women are said to be “written out” of sociology’s history because they were once recognized for their work but they are not recognized as much now. They were all well known public figures at their time. Some of them were even more popular then the men of their time. These women had several things in common. They all published several books, studies, and theories. Several of them researched the problems of race and inequality. They also all visited the Hull House which was the working base of most of the Chicago women. It is important to recognize women role in society because we are trying to make a more equal society. Women worked very hard to make this world the way it is and they deserve to be recognized for it. BY MADELINE
Woman and the birth of sociology have come a long way in these modern years. I am currently reading a book by Jan Clausen called Apples &Oranges; My Journey Through Sexual Identity. While Jan is not a Sociologist i have found that much of the material in this book refrences each aspect of the chapters in our book this semster. Although i have had to look up a majority of the words she uses in this book i believe she is a brillant writer and amatuer Sociologist! Her book makes educated observations of people that she has had encounters with throughout her life, including her parents, teachers, and lovers of both sexes. It because of woman like Clausen that define how woman are viewed in respect to Soiciology and I believe a book like this could be a great reference for a sociology student wanting to learn about the feminine power in Sociology.