Women of Sociology
1) From what I gathered reading the article “Woman and the birth of sociology” in our book that woman were “written out” of the sociology history meant that they were once a presence in the early stages of sociology and then their male counter parts took the glory. The reason Jane Addams, Anna Julie Cooper and Harriet Martineau and so many others may have been written out was at the time it was considered an all white male agency and women by society were over looked.
2) Most of the women in sociology had many things in common; most were well known public figures, they created their own social theories and built upon or worked with other male sociologists theories. They founded or set up programs to help people who were in need. Most notable was the Hull House, started in Chicago by Jane Addams, a place where women involved in sociology could come and express their ideas and theories.
3) To not recognize the accomplishments of the women involved in sociology in the past who did such a unique service for society with their hard work is a travesty. These women deserve the same recognition as their male counterparts. In today’s society more and more woman are breaking boundaries that have kept them in check. We are seeing woman break the glass ceiling and achieving goals that their sisters of the past could only dream of. I have two daughters who I believe can do anything they set their sights on, they are not limited to yesterdays stereo typing and they know no bounds. I look forward to witnessing the day we have a female president and maybe it will be one of my girls.