Eating disorders is defined as unhealthy and extreme concerns with
weight,bodysize,food and eating habits.According to the American Anorexial
Bulimia Association,7 million women and 1 million men,ages ten to early
twenties,suffer from eating disorders.These eating problems maybe a response to
poverty,sexual abuse,racism,heterosexism,social class inequality and
weight,bodysize,food and eating habits.According to the American Anorexial
Bulimia Association,7 million women and 1 million men,ages ten to early
twenties,suffer from eating disorders.These eating problems maybe a response to
poverty,sexual abuse,racism,heterosexism,social class inequality and
There are three theoretical models used to explain and treat eating
disorders.These include the biomedical model,psychological model and feminists
models.The biomedical model offers important scientific research about possible
physiological causes of eating disorders.This model adopts medical treatment
methods that traumatizes and disempower women.
disorders.These include the biomedical model,psychological model and feminists
models.The biomedical model offers important scientific research about possible
physiological causes of eating disorders.This model adopts medical treatment
methods that traumatizes and disempower women.
The psychological model identifies eating disorders as “multidimensional
disorders”that are influence by biological,psychological and cultural
factors.This model like the biomedical one,tends to neglect women of
color,lesbians and working class women.
disorders”that are influence by biological,psychological and cultural
factors.This model like the biomedical one,tends to neglect women of
color,lesbians and working class women.
The feminist approach is the last model.This model talks about eating
problems as gendered.It explains why women experience eating disorders the
most.Sexism and gender socialization are amongst the factors that contribute to
eating disorders in women because according to these factors women have to be
thin in order to be pretty.
problems as gendered.It explains why women experience eating disorders the
most.Sexism and gender socialization are amongst the factors that contribute to
eating disorders in women because according to these factors women have to be
thin in order to be pretty.
Sexual abuse is the most common reason women develop eating
disorders.According to the National Eating Disorder Information Centre,recent
research has shown that 65% of people with eating disorders have experienced
some sort of abuse,including physical,emotional or sexual abuse.Sexual abuse can
be devastating to a persons body image.A victim of sexual abuse often
experiences extreme discomfort with their body because it is a reminder of the
horrible experience.The blacklash of sexual abuse is that survivors may turn to
food as a means to cope.In a desperate attempt to gain control over their bodies
some victims will turn to food and restriction.They may attempt to control their
body shape,becoming overweight or under weight,in order to push people away to
prevent further abuse,or so that the abuse will stop.This resort to food gives
them a sense of security thet they feel they cannot find anywhere.
disorders.According to the National Eating Disorder Information Centre,recent
research has shown that 65% of people with eating disorders have experienced
some sort of abuse,including physical,emotional or sexual abuse.Sexual abuse can
be devastating to a persons body image.A victim of sexual abuse often
experiences extreme discomfort with their body because it is a reminder of the
horrible experience.The blacklash of sexual abuse is that survivors may turn to
food as a means to cope.In a desperate attempt to gain control over their bodies
some victims will turn to food and restriction.They may attempt to control their
body shape,becoming overweight or under weight,in order to push people away to
prevent further abuse,or so that the abuse will stop.This resort to food gives
them a sense of security thet they feel they cannot find anywhere.
Racism and class standing also contribute to eating disorders.Body image is
seen different in every race.In the African culture,thick and curvy is
considered pretty and sexy.If you are from Africa and you are very skinny,you
will resort to overeating in order to fit in and this goes a long way to affect
you.Likewise if you are from country where everyone is skinny and you are fat
you will go on diets and starvation in order to fit in.These pressures for the
perfect body image makes women do the extreme in order to be accepted and to fit
seen different in every race.In the African culture,thick and curvy is
considered pretty and sexy.If you are from Africa and you are very skinny,you
will resort to overeating in order to fit in and this goes a long way to affect
you.Likewise if you are from country where everyone is skinny and you are fat
you will go on diets and starvation in order to fit in.These pressures for the
perfect body image makes women do the extreme in order to be accepted and to fit
In order to prevent
this,first women must learn to appreciate themselves,their body and have self
esteem.If you are confident in yourself you will never resort to food to satisfy
you emotionally and internally.Secondly all the models used together hand in
hand can help prevent eating disorders.One thing we all should know is that true
beauty comes from within and there is nothng like a perfect body.
this,first women must learn to appreciate themselves,their body and have self
esteem.If you are confident in yourself you will never resort to food to satisfy
you emotionally and internally.Secondly all the models used together hand in
hand can help prevent eating disorders.One thing we all should know is that true
beauty comes from within and there is nothng like a perfect body.