Domestic Violence-Hunter Gaylord

Chapter 41 helps open your eyes to the on goings of the world we live in. While spouses in America bicker over favorite performers on American Idol there are women getting beat on a consistent basis. Women are only reporting it when it gets life threatening but they put up with everyday harassment and abuse like it’s something that is deserved. The culture accepts these beatings especially if the woman acts out of the norms, or if the man is drunk. These actions cause women of India to feel not only depressed but almost not human.
What causes this to occur? Well in industrialized nations there seems to be a strong sense of stress placed on males. This stress seems to be caused because the males feel as though they are responsible for the family and to relieve their stress they beat up their wives. For any American to hear of this results in immediate emotion. Unfortunately the morals and laws of India do not support the women as they should and domestic abuse is the result.
Vietnamese women are looked down at even though they tend to bring home the abundance of the money. Women are just looked at as the bottom of the totem pole it seems in Vietnam. They suffer from two types of abuse, visible and invisible. Visible is the beatings and the roughing up that is thought of when you hear domestic abuse but invisible is a whole other story. Invisible is the repetition of insults and intimidation. Invisible domestic abuse makes one feel like they are always under the thumb of the husband. Obviously this isn’t the way to live so it is important to inform and educate the public about these occurrences.


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