Melissa Farley argues that prostitution is not a free choice and that women are sex slaves. It is known that women from poor countries are more often involved in prostitution. Young children, both boys and girls, are introduced into this sex trade. They can start as young as 12. Many women of color are targeted by pimps because they come from lower income neighborhoods. If you compare the numbers in the US, they are overrepresented in prostitution. There are not as many male prostitutes as women but it is still a problem. She believes that many of these women and men are runaways or homeless kids. Women who have been sexually abused as a child or grown up with a bad upbringing are more likely to stray to prostitution. Women are suffering from Post traumatic Stress Disorder and are contracting and spreading Sexually Transmitted Diseases. They are being raped and beaten and becoming emotionally scarred from being in this business. 70% of women she interviewed, are raped. These statistics are disturbing and scary.
From living in different countries were prostitution is legal, I probably have a different opinion than most about it. The women who I have met, worked with, and even became my friends will say, “that this is the profession they have chosen all on their own and that they never feel scared or have been harmed by any man.” Some of these girls own businesses back home like real estate companies, accounting firms, spas and restaurants. They were there to make extra money and bring it home to their families. They were not forced to do anything they did not want do. In St. Maarten, the sex crime rates are almost non existent. You don’t hear of young children or women being raped like you do hear in the US. I know it’s uncomfortable in our culture to think about women getting paid for sex but if they want to do this than it’s their business. If it was highly regulated and watched by the government than I don’t see a problem with it. It could help to lower the black market numbers. Many girls I went to school with stripped as a way to pay for college. Some had sex with men for money and others did not. They were never peer pressured into doing what they did, it was their choice. I don’t believe it’s right for the women who have no choice. The child aspect of it is disgusting and anyone involved in this type of situation should be put in jail for life. I don’t think it should be decriminalized it should be either legal or illegal. There should be no gray area here because that’s where the abuse and the mistreatment of these women come into play. Hopefully something is done soon to help the women who have no voice when it comes to this matter.
I definently agree with you. I wonder what it would be like to be in the life of a prostitute. Having people take advantage of me, and hurting me, I could never do it. Lets hope this thing comes to an end soon!
I completley agree with you Ashlee. Using a child for sexual purposes is inhumane and sickening. These poor children are faced with sexual, pshycial and emotional abuse with no where or no one to turn too. These children do not have a fair chance at life and are being treated as uneqauls with no voice or choices when it comes to their own body. They have no one to look out for them and protect them against pimps and perpetrators. I also feel that these women that are involved in prostitution, even if it is voluntarily have an underlying mental illlness and are not competent to make the chioce. It should not be decriminilzed because if the woman is not competent to make a choice to have sexwith a man for money this is a mans way of taking advantage of her. With legalizing prostitution it is a gateway for introducing more STD’s and violence into our society. I think that sexual intamcy has become out of control in our world today leading to prostitution and violent, unhealthy sexual behaviors.