The united States is the wealthiest country in the world, yet Americans are denied the simple right to proper nutrition. Americans are forced to abstain from basic human needs to be accepted members of society. Popular culture suggests that thinness is not only a fashion statement, but an expected lifestyle choice. The past hundred years have seen the rise of this horrific trend that is the thinning of the nation’s young women. One in five college women suffers from a severe case of either anorexia or bulimia. Those dying are not the poor and unfortunates from the slums and ghettos of the inner cities they are the young generations that choose to follow this trend of thinness and those who have enough money to eat properly but instead choose not to. Those who struggle with eating disorders, 95 % are female and the small percentage of men who suffer are all either athletes or homosexuals. So why isn’t this a big deal as it should be? The answer is unknown but most would just assume it’s because thinness is a desire and a want that women choose to follow to stay current with America’s culture