The three theoretical models: biomedical model, psychological model and gendered are used to explain and treat eating disorders. The biomedical model is somewhat harmful and doesn’t really explain exactly why people have eating disorders. Like the book said it doesn’t explain social, historical and cultural factors which are important to look out when researching eating disorders. The psychological model does look at and examine the biological, psychological and cultural factors, but doesn’t look at why maybe women of color; lesbians or working class women have eating disorders. And the third model used to explain eating disorders is gender which has to do with explaining why mostly women or someone with social problems that maybe have sexually based issues may have eating disorders. I do believe that this model is one that maybe most effective in explaining eating disorders. I think that mostly Caucasian and African American’s is the most common race to have issues with eating disorders. T.V and the news have a lot to do with eating disorder issues also. The thought that thinness is the in and having a little meat on your bones is out, puts more women at risk to make themselves starve or throw up. Seeing models on T.V look so thin and pretty a lot of young girls want to look just like them, and some girls think in order to do that they have to stop eating completely.
Like explained in the book 61% of sexual abused women also have eating disorders. They are closely related because people that have been sexually abused use binging as a coping mechanism. Instead of thinking about the pain of being sexually abused the block it out by not eating. I also think it can go both ways. People that have been sexually abused end up becoming obese because they use eating too much as their coping mechanism.
Racism and class is also a factor in eating disorders. Families that may have children close of age, and maybe one is skinner than the other, may put them at risk of having an eating disorder. Expecially if family members have comments like “Wow she’s prettier because she’s skinner” can have a big impact on the way people feel. BY Caroline
I agree that the family shapes how we see ourselves. It’s hard to live up to what important people in your life considers pretty or the perfect weight. Sexually abuse is unfortunate in some women and can cause eating disorders. Some women may have no other outlet but food. Some turn to drugs also. People need to be more aware of how abuse in any sense can have damaging effect on women at young ages. Eating disorders like binging can be very dangerous to women bodies. Whatever the approach there is definitely a problem with women in Americans, and the way they society shapes our thinking, and the insecurities we have.
I agree that racism, sexual abuse, and how we see are selves plays a role in the way we shape what we look like. I think the way that you explained this was perfect and that the fact that people always seem to turn to something and in this case the women are chusing to turn to food. I think that the fact that people are striving to be something that is not necessarily them, isn’t the smartest idea and makes everyone look very insecure and want to be something that they are not. I think more than likely americans have the worst case of wanting to be something different and that they strive to be something that they have yet to become. Americans more than likely see that thinness is pretty, thinness is perfect. Thinness is what almost every famous person is annd you want to be who youre role models are. Eating disorders are very emotionally and physically damaging and should therefore be taken care of if you see the problem.
I agree that thinness is a matter largely created by society and cultures. It is unfortunate that emphasis is placed upon one’s weight, which in some cases, people can only change so much. Role models in American society are mostly thin, beautiful women we see on advertisements and on the tv screen. The pressures to be thin ravage a person’s emotional state.
I really like this post! I agree with everything that you talked about. I agree wih racism playing a role with eating disorders because most people think that eating disorders are for white women because people believe that big is acceptable in a black community. Physical appearance is what women think is most important about themselves because pretty skinny is what women think is acceptable and what all guys want.